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Edit my account

Accessing Your Orders

To access your orders, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your account on our website using your credentials.
  2. Once you’re logged in, look for the Edit account tab. Click on it to proceed.

Updating Account Information

In the Edit Account section, you’ll find a form that allows you to change various account details. The form includes the following fields:

  • First Name: Enter your updated first name in this field.
  • Last Name: Enter your updated last name in this field.
  • Display Name: Choose a display name that will be displayed in the account section and in reviews.
  • Email: Provide your new email address in this field.
  • Current Password: Enter your current password for verification purposes.
  • New Password: If you wish to change your password, enter your new password in this field.
  • Confirm New Password: Retype your new password to confirm it.

Please note that some fields may be pre-filled with your existing information. Make the necessary changes to the fields you want to update.

Saving Changes

Once you have made the desired updates in the form, follow these steps to save the changes:

  1. Review the form and ensure that all the information entered is accurate.
  2. If you are changing your password, make sure to meet any password requirements (such as minimum length or character restrictions).
  3. After reviewing the form, click the Save Changes button.
  4. If all the required fields are correctly filled out, your account details will be updated accordingly.